I just joined this list and figured I would introduce myself. I have
been using Linux for ~10 years or more but never really for the purpose
of audio work. I recently became reinterested in playing music and have
since found that Linux audio has taken a few leaps since I started using
it. I will probably be asking for help getting my midi keyboard working
and such (I just bought the connectors and have never done this before),
but for now I have already used Linux to record several "songs" with
ardour, hydrogen, and jack.
My soundclick site is
I use Linux exclusively for everything but playing Tomb Raider and have
for several years. Lately I have had to use Windows for printing out
powertabs though; maybe that will change soon.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful - and so are we
They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people - and neither
do we.
-- George W. Bush