At 05:23 AM 28/10/2003, Jesse Chappell wrote:
> 2. Is there currently any way, or are
plans to add support for
> exporting an entire mix to disk instead of
bouncing to a stereo track
> to be exported? (Of course you can do that
now, but it's a dry mix.)
> I guess I'm asking for a non-realtime
Yes, there are plans to do a proper non-realtime
mixdown, once
JACK supports it (soon). This will be in before
Ardour 1.0.
For the time being, you could either bus everything
to one bus and send it
via JACK to a JACK enabled recorder, or send all
individual tracks to a
JACK enabled recorder. Thats what I do at the
This is probably just an elaboration on what Luke and
others have already stated. You could setup pre or
post sends in the instrument mixerstrip. Then use the
sends as sources for effects buses. Afterwards add new
tracks with the effect buss as sources and record the
effect to the track.
Example usage; backing vocals may require level X of
reverb except at the end of a chorus going into a
bridge where +10db of reverb would cause an
interesting mix affect.
With post fader sends the amount of signal to the bus
can inherit levels from source track automation.
Now you've got the original track and the output of a
reverb or whatever. This isn't always the fastest
solution but it does allow you to turn off effects,
and provides good mix time control.
Mix to Stereo
Create Mixer template with instrument tracks and
master stereo bus. Add stereo track with master bus as
source. Configure stereo bus as the source for stereo
trakc and record. Or do as Luke suggested with another
jack client. For example; jack graph with ardour,
rezound and jamin. Ardour stereo bus to Rezound
(destructive editing) and then Rezound to JAMin. Or
Ardour stereo bus to JAMin (master with multitrack
source) and then JAMin output to Rezound or back into
There's many routing possibilities. Jackd rules!
Luke Yelavich
AudioSlack Founder and main package maintainer
Audio software packaged for the Slackware Linux
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