On Thursday 07 June 2007, Dragan Noveski wrote:
Florian Schmidt wrote:
On Wednesday 06 June 2007, Dragan Noveski wrote:
i don't know anything about 64bit-debian, i
am on 32-bit lenny here, but
often, if appi is requiring qt4, i have to change the synlinks in
/usr/bin which here are normally showing to /usr/share/qt3/bin.
those are:
simply 'rm /usr/bin/moc' and than 'ln -s /usr/share/qt4/bin/moc
/usr/bin/moc ....
not sure, but perhaps it helps!
Actually debian has an "alternatives" system which manages these
symlinks. You can install e.g. the package galternatives [or something]
and with it you can select e.g. which gcc version to use, or what moc or
qmake :)
i ve just got it - looks nice!
There surely is
some commandline tool way for doing this, too, but i only use
galternatives and i don't like reading docs ;)
at the command line it can be done with sth. like :
'export CC=gcc-3.3 CPP=cpp-3.3 CXX=g++-3.3'
True, but this only works for Makefiles which e.g. don't have the compiler
name hardcoded (Ok, i admit in these days of autotools most shouldn't). The
nice thing about the alternatives system is that the link /usr/bin/gcc then
actually points to the right version. So it should work for more packages
than the "standard" way.
don't know how it works for qt, but for lazy guys
like us, galternative
looks better!!
BTW: Of course it might be that the OP's problem is completely orthogonal to
this issue. He never posted the error messages, so it's hard to tell.
Palimm Palimm!