For the moment I consider this track finished. Well, finished as in that
it sounds much like I want it to. When Qtractor 0.4.7 came out I decided
I had to let myself go concerning effects, especially now they can be
MIDI controlled which is just great. I set up a special FX automation
MIDI track and off I went.
The female vocals were done by my girlfriend. Just a few takes and she
was greatly unsatisfied but with some effects and some cutting up it
turned out quite ok.
Huge shout out to Will J Godfrey (aka Folderol) for his amazing
instrument bank, I used Warm Synth, Sharp Synth, Pizzicato Strings and
the great Wind and Surf for the swooossssshhh. Also big props for Cal
for the ever improving Yoshimi. And Rui of course. Qtractor just rocks.
Lastly, the FFADO folks. I'm now looking at my shiny and new Focusrite
Saffire Pro 40 that has been running happily for hours now at 4ms with
about 20+ tracks and about the same amount of effects. Yeah, I
encountered some occasional xruns, but basically that only happens when
I open stuff like LV2 gui's or change hefty instrument patches with
Yoshimi (which will be a thing of the past once the sqlite3
implementation for the banks has been perfectioned).
I'll see if I can do a screencast of this track. Nothing is cooler than
seeing those slick Calf plugins do their stuff automatically :)……
And yes, I've learned so much in the making of this track. I've never
worked with compressors, gates, filters and eq's before and this track
was like a playground in which I could all test it out.