Sorry for the delay--for some reason Gmail flagged the message as spam :(.
I'll definitely try the panning technique on the guitar tracks, and the
Jamin preset is a big help!
Unfortunately, a big part of the problem is that I recorded the guitar
tracks quite some time ago, before I had a good handle on guitar recording
techniques, so these tracks have less to work with than I'd normally have,
as they were direct-recorded with way too much distortion...
Thanks for the very helpful input!
On Dec 25, 2007 12:31 PM, Kjetil S. Matheussen < k.s.matheussen(a)notam02.no>
"Nick Scheer":
I thought I'd share this somewhat non-traditional rendition of Silent
All done with Hydrogen, Ardour, Jamin, etc. Vocals are my own, with a
bit of pitch-shifting.
I know the production is a bit short of what it ought to be, since I
recorded the initial guitar bits some time ago, before I really had
much idea what I was doing. However, since it seems to add to the
general ambience of the piece, I'm OK with that.
Feedback/criticism/flames all welcome.
Cool song, but I think the sound is a bit muddy. Have you panned your
guitars as much to the left and right as possible? In case not,
I think that would help a lot.
I also ran your song through jamin:
I only have headphones right now, so its probably not very good,
but maybe you find it interesting anyway. Here's the jamin preset file: