Bill Allen wrote:
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 10:08 PM, Bill Allen
<>> wrote:
Here are a couple of new songs that I've done recently with Ardour,
Hydrogen, ZynAddSubFX, AMS, and some ladspa plugins. They are pretty
different from each other so if you don't like the first try the
other :)
Great playing - sounds filtered in a way tho - too much mid scoop on the
eq? Sounds like I'm separated from the snare/bass drums too much - they
need more presence IMHO. I don't really like the choice of bass sound -
a more traditional bass guitar or double bass would fit better I think.
Overall very nice piece though. Sax sounds great! By the way, I have no
clue about recording so take what I say with a shed load of salt!
Wow drums are so much better! They are still sounding a little too
filtered in some way tho - cymbals too sibilant, snare missing
resonance. Vocals could do with more top end and a lot less low end -
sounding a little muddy to my ears. Guitars sound quite synthy and could
maybe do with a touch of compression????? or mid? Mix again sounds like
it's missing the middle freqs and the bass up to around 300Hz is too
loud - too much different information going on from conflicting sources
Again.. same get-out clause applies to my (probably wildly wrong)
Oh - and what are you monitoring on? I just noticed it sounds much
better on my terrible computer speakers than on my (more decent)
headphones. I guess your monitors might be a bit mid-emphasising?
2 fantastic songs tho!