Hi Martin,
Another mailinglist worth posting is music-dsp:
There you may often meet Angelo Farina, who has made available an amazing
quantity of publications about Room Acoustics among other fields:
For your concern, let me quote the following one:
"APLODSP, design of customizable Audio Processor for LOudspeaker system
compensation by DSP", 109th AES Audio Convention, Los Angeles, 18-22 September 2000,
When it comes to Linux, you may already know the "Sound & MIDI Software For
Linux" ressource site, which contains the following sections:
- DSP Software:
- Scopes:
Not featured there for the moment, JAAA (the Jack and Alsa Audio Analyser), by
Fons Adriaensen, will be presented at the 2nd International Linux Audio
Conference, 29 April - 2 May 2004, ZKM Center:
If you want ISO-normalized linear or logarithmic swept sines, have your own
series burnt with Reference Audio CD:
There are other techniques worth-using when it comes to getting room impulse
responses, especially one based on MLS sequences, most of which you'll have
compared on this document:
"Comparison of different impulse response measurement techniques", G.-B. Stan,
J.-J. Embrechts, D. Archambeau, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol.
50 (2002), n°4, pp. 249-262,
You can at last also check my Mozilla-generated bookmarks page, where you'll
find most of the above, bearing in mind it is frequently subject to change:
This points you to the following nodes (remove the last prefix of the url in
case of malfunction):
+ ArkaKlap
+ Kontenu
+ Kode (Dev Ressources)
+ Kours (Papers)
+ Koncurrence (Soft- & Hardware Ressources)
I'll try to make Octave m-files (an opensource 95% Matlab clone) available by
the end of May: MLS / swept sine generation, impulse response extraction,
inverse filtering...
Christian Frisson