Hmm, another very useful thread. It prompted me to have a look at my BIOS,
which I'm generally a bit nervous about looking at too closely.
I'm using an AOpen MX3W motherboard with a Celeron Coppermine 600MHz
processor. I wondered if the CPU speed was set rather low at 66.8 x 3.5, so I
upped the multiplier to 8 (max) to bring the result to 566, which I think
works with having an FSB of 100MHz. My system seems perfectly happy so far,
in fact I'd almost swear it was running cooler, but I've not checked. I don't
think the increase in speed of the delivery of graphics to the screen is my
imagination. Sorry, that's a bit of a fluffy explanation. If I'm obviously
heading for trouble here, I'd appreciate the warning.
In any case thanks for the discussion. From here, I think with a faster Hard
Drive and some more memory I'm going to feel like I've got a whole new
Thanks again.
tim hall