Apparently my subscription to the list got dropped. I guess
that's why things have seemed so quiet lately in Linux audio
I just searched the archives on this and the suggestions there
didn't help.
I'm trying to convert some mp3 files into wav files. First I
tried having Audacity export a wav file. Then I tried loading the
mp3 into Broadcast 2000 and having it render it to a wav. Finally
I tried the suggestion in the archives of mpg123 -w filename.wav
In each case, when I tried to burn a CD from the resulting wav
file, cdrecord reports "inappropriate audio coding in
[filename]." I'm using Eroaster 2.0.10 as a front end to
Audacity and Broadcast 2000 both load all these wav files and
play them just fine.
Anybody know what's going on here?
Howard Sanner