On Thu, 13 Nov 2014 19:22:02 +0100
Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf(a)rocketmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 13 Nov 2014 15:09:43 +0100
Set Hallström <sakrecoer(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Ralf Mardorf
<ralf.mardorf(a)rocketmail.com> wrote:
after researching a clever link about Universal-Love thru time
and mythologies, i stumbled upon this. :)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Love so i'm going to go
listen to some of this:
It's much easier to hit back. Oedipus and the Oedipus complex
are from the, resp. base on the Greek mythology. The Western world is
based on the Greek civilisation, so we are aware of non-sexual love.
Anyway, two words "love" and "mother" in one sentence are always
for a joke, Woody Allen makes his living by making films about that
and similar jokes ;).
So my apologies, but I couldn't resist.
Btw., since it's a list for artists. After watching Jim Jarmusch's
Ghost Dog I read half of the Hagakure. It's worse to watch the movie,
reading the Hagakure is hardcore, because it's absolutely ridiculous.
However, the declaration of love among gay samurai easily could end
with beheading and the whole book is riddled with superstition and
similar absurd reasons for violence. Star Trek's Klingon's are not
nearly as grotesk as the Samurai were. OTOH the Hagakure is about
passion, love. What a few of us feel for music, is what those warriors
felt for violence. IOW the book could be a kind of mirror ;). We
shouldn't take music too seriously ;), otherwise we risk to act