On 2018-09-24 16:13, Christopher Arndt wrote:
Am 24.09.18 um 14:15 schrieb Set Hallstrom:
It's a node.js app that renders a folder of audio files into a jekyll
friendly layout, exporting all the ID3 info (ALL of it) including the
cover art, musicbrainz specific tags, etc...
Neat idea. Is there a demo page of its output somewhere?
Linux-audio-user mailing list
We are working on adding a few templates to the repo. But they aren't
quite finished yet.
But this is how i implemented it:
Albums index:
Track index of Album:
Clicking on a track on that page will lead you to a track page where the
music starts on page load. When the track is finished, it loads next song.
I used a pretty conservative layout (i think) that works on both mobile
and desktop, i'm hoping to find time to make it funkier in a near future.
Set Sakrecoer