it might however be possible, that on top of open
source development
there will grow an open content development, with a vast and rich set of
2d, 3d and musical "clip art". content generation algorithms might also
improve, thus artists might only be needed to aggregate works and direct
content development.
Since this one I believe still pertains to the list I kept it on it,
someone can feel free to correct me if I am wrong on that aspect though.
At any rate, this is something I have been considering for a few years
now as a way to give back, unfortunately the list of my own recorded
sounds is somewhat smaller than I would like, and my designs tend to use
libraries that I am not allowed to release as open licensed things, even
if I have modified them I don't believe(I should take a look at this,
but am fairly certain). It is something worth considering, and is
already happening in fact, there are already many creative commons
licensed .blend files and the like for 3D, collections of free textures,
even free sound effects collections.
I am of course interested to see what may develop of these different
aspects myself.