From: Michal Seta []
Well, I must be a different race of a classical musician. I have been
trained as a classical musician and I've been trained to read the
black dots with beams people call scores. However, a score is only a
representation of music. The same music could be represented in
different ways. As a guitarist I have learnt to play from a guitar
score, piano score, lead sheet, modern guitar tablature and
medieval/rennaissance tablature (of which there were 2 kinds). These
are all valid representations of musical compositions and they all
have strengths and weaknesses. Any piece of music (as long as it's
within the traditional 12 tone equal temperament) can be represented
using any of the above methods. So why not text? Entering textual
representation of music and following certain _markup_ rules is not
programming. If it were so, simply scoring should be considered
programming, too.
It probably is in csound.
I think the above methods need to somehow be extended to work with samples. Either that
or computer audio needs its own form of musical representation.
Maybe we need to just skip the idea of any sort of representation outside of a song or
audio file? If so... maybe we need to break with tradition a bit and make "song"
files themselves provide a higher degree of functionality?
I don't think that computer programs should
reflect the physical world
we operate in. Not always anyways, there surely are better ways of
dealing with certain issues.
I think they should probably reflect the "reality" they deal with.
I also think they need an overhaul.