Chaz Kiser wrote:
Is there anyway I can make my Midi Output sound like
something other than a
cheap toy keyboard. I'm a musician and would very much like to explore the
world of Midi but can't get past the horrible tones. Will I have to have an
external box or can the situation be rectified with a quality midi sound
A simple and inexpensive solution would be to get another soundcard
with better midi sounds. The Soundblaster Live! has it's shortcomings,
but is a pretty decent sounding general midi generator, partly because
of the fact that the sample banks are stored on your hard drive and
so are not as limited in size as inexpensive on-board banks. There are
plenty of these available on Ebay for ~ $30:
This will change your computer from sounding like a toy keyboard to
sounding like a medium priced synth. To go beyond this, I would
go right to Csound, provided that your passion for shedding all
limitations on sound creation but your imagination is strong enough
to propel you up the learning curve.