On 1/5/21 12:25 AM, worik wrote:
I am looking for a way to use the LAPSPA/LV2 plugins without the heavy
weight hosts (like GuitarX or MODEP)
What I am looking for is a programme Z where if I know a LV2 plugin p
that takes two control |Int|s (|n|, |m|) is in library L I can invoke
|$ Z L p n m|
and have it show up in jack so I can control my setup from a script.
There are a lot of LADSPA/LV2 hosts, none say on the packet they do
this. It may be in the documentation, but it will take time to read the
documentation on them all and my suspicion is that it cannot be done
with current software. Does any body have any clues?
jalv is an interactive command-line LV2 host. Parameters can be directly
set when loading a plugin (-c SYM=VAL) and be changed later
interactively. See `jalv --help` it's really straight forward.
e.g. `jalv -c tubedrive=0.5 -c gain=1.0 urn:zamaudio:ZamTube`
If you need both LV1 and LV2 support, give ecasound a try.