Just for
I believe Carlo's intent was to discuss things that *could* be
done with music - not what *should* or *must* be done.
That could be what he meant, but what he said was,
so it appears that music that is made to be
traded for shelter
and clothing ought to contain messages that let the receiver
be able to produce more shelter and clothing.
"Ought to" and "should" are really synonymous.
Yes - but it was in the context of how might one create music that would
facilitate a particular desired result.
'Ought to' in this sense meaning "it would probably work best if . . . "
to bring about this particular result.
(Be ye of the
fighting Irish by any chance?) :)
Only half ;)
I *knew it*!
That was a rare fine display of Celtic fire if I ever saw one.
The most sure way to raise a Celt's ire is to tell them they either *can't*
or *must* do something - guaranteed way to get their dander up.
(I should know - being mostly Scot, with a good splash of Welsh to go along
with it.)