Hi again,
Attached is a small script I use together with linuxsampler. It's very
rudimentary, based on some scripts I got from Christian Schoenebeck, though
it works just fine!
The easy way of loading it is to get hold of netcat and use that to send
commands to linuxsampler
netcat localhost 8888 < loaddfhsingle.txt
fredagen den 21 januari 2005 16.03 skrev Julien Claassen:
I tried to use the cvs snapshot from the 13th of June last year to do
some work. But it wouldn't accept commands.
I did:
$ linuxsampler
It told me that everything was well. Then I connected to it with telnet:
$ telnet localhost 8888
That succeeded, too. Then I tried just writing a comment:
# this is a comment
Still worked, but when I tried to put any real command to it, it just
said: ERR:0:Unknown command.
Or something like it. I took the commands from the draft. But the sampler
even wouldn't accept "quit". I tried quit, Quit and QUIT and the same with
single and double quotes.
Any fix for this? I need to use the text-mode (telnet way).
Kindest regards
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