Den Wednesday 29 April 2009 13.38.06 skrev Dave Phillips:
Yesterday I tried to install the i386 version of the new Ubuntu Studio
9.04. I erased some partitions, got everything set up and going
swimmingly, then after a while I noticed that the installer had hung up
at an error. The error message informed me that the Select And Install
Software stage had failed. I chose to continue, went on to install Grub,
and then it failed too, with a similar message re: failure to install
Grub. Alas, at this point the installer went spinning into the dead
zone. I couldn't proceed, the error panel obscured the continuation
panel, and I eventually had abort the installation. Fortunately my 64
Studio partition was untouched, and the installer had left my original
Grub menu intact, so I still have a workable system on this machine.
Incidentally, the error message advises lowering the speed of my CD/DVD
drive. How can I make that happen ?
The machine is my laptop, an HP G60 powered by a Turion X2. I've had
problems installing other systems on this hardware, but some others have
installed without complaint (Ubuntu Intrepid, 64 Studio 3b).
I'm going to try the 64-bit version today, hopefully I'll have better
luck, but I was hoping to install a 32-bit system on this partition. Any
advice from the experts before I try the 64-bit install ?
The only two issues I know about is that you should avoid ext4 for now and you
might experience (I did) system freeze (on smp machines) with the RT-kernel.
If you get system freeze, then just add nosmp to your kernel parameter in
Grub's menu.lst and then you're ok.
I choosed to just install Kubuntu this time and then add the RT kernel. I have
also compiled almost every music related apps (from jackd with deps and
upwards) and libs from scratch. No problems so far. The reason of compiling is
that the libs IMO tends to shortly be to old when some new plugins and apps