After you get the Alsa drivers, you should also get the tools and utils.
I added the following lines to my /etc/rc.local file for initial audio
setup while starting Red Hat Linux:
echo "Adjusting sound card controls..."
# Turn on PCM, CD, Headphones and Speaker
/usr/bin/amixer cset numid=22 1 # Turn on PCM
/usr/bin/amixer cset numid=16 1 # Turn on CD
/usr/bin/amixer cset numid=7 1 # Turn on speaker
/usr/bin/amixer cset numid=3 1 # Turn on Headphones
/usr/bin/amixer cset numid=23 24,24 # Set PCM Volume
/usr/bin/amixer cset numid=17 24,24 # Set CD Volume
/usr/bin/amixer cset numid=4 24,24 # Set Headphones Volume
/usr/bin/amixer cset numid=8 13 # Set speaker Volume
If not, all of them are mute.
Allan Klinbail wrote:
I'm getting annoyed that every time I restart the machine (or possibly
just ALSA) I need to reconfigure my mixer settings. (especially for my
delta 66 as I like to have the adc, dac settings setup so that the
meters on the computer match those of my mixing desk and hardware
compressors.. unity gain should be the same everywhere)
I'm sure this is just a matter of having the right SysV init script. My
confusion is that Mandrake has 3 scripts for sound.. it has alsa,
alsasound and sound.
Does anyone know which is the right one to be using to ensure that my
mixer settings are saved?
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.-. | Gustavo Zamorano S.