>> I think our 17" and 19" Samsungs
both do 1280x1024. Certainly you
>> might have one that only does 1024x768 but that seems like it
>> would be an older piece of hardware.
>> If you can supply and exact make and model number then we can
>> probably search it out over the net.
>> How did you decide it won't do anything larger?
>> - Mark
> Thanks Mark, and also David.
> The monitor is a fujitsu siemens LCD, model: C384FA-M Rev.01
> So far I found only either fujitsu or siemens nixdorf.
> My old CRT was probably my first monitor ever, so it's pretty old
> and had some problems sometimes. A friend offered me his old LCD.
> The screen size is the same, 15", but it's a lot lighter and takes a
> lot less space on my desk. I had my old monitor set to 1280x1024 or
> 1152xsomething sometimes, which was quite o.k., but I don't manage
> to get something like that out of the LCD.
> If it's a hardware-limitation, it's fine by me, someday I'll get
> myself a bigger and better one anyway.
> Thanks for help,
> Philipp
I suspect it's 1024 max. It's not listed on
the Fujitsu-Seimens web
site any more. That makes it pretty old.
It's probably working correctly.
- Mark
Thanks, then I'll just keep it at that.
Already missing the x-rays 8-)
Best Regards,