I find the sound quality inferior on the maudio offerings, but the linux
support is rock solid, you can get a 1010lt for cheap now.
the emu1212m is a really nice card hardware-wise, just needs a little more
linux love on the driver side.
On Jan 28, 2008 5:20 PM, Darren Landrum <darren.landrum(a)sbcglobal.net>
bradley newton haug wrote:
I run the emu 1212m successfully on 64 bit linux.
Some of the subcards
(hw0.1 etc) have problems with 44.1, I use 48 so it's not an issue for
me. Make sure your sync is set correctly in alsamixer
(adat,spdif,int44) and play with using different settings for hardware..
hw0,1, 0,0 0,3 etc.. hw:0 will *not* work for recording.
the card support is problematic and I don't recommend it. I had to
patch 1.15 to get it working correctly and for the life of me I cannot
find where I got the patches. The original author of the patch hasn't
done any major work on it for over a year. Check the alsa dev wiki page
on emu10k/emu on the discussion page, thats as much documentation as
anyone has collected on the card.
taken from:
majorbytes.com <http://majorbytes.com> -- >> music site
http://host-69-146-29-10.static.bresnan.net> (2007-05-29 18:36:16)
You use jack, right? Then you have to set which
alsa device will be used
for capture and playback (the simplest way is to use
qjackctl for that) .
There are several possibilities on e-mu. Let's say e-mu is the only card
your system, so it has index 0.
Then hw:0,0 is stereo, 16bit only. Do not use it
for capture. However,
it's probably the best device for playback for now,
because multichannel playback is currently broken. hw:0,2 is
multichannel capture
capable of 8 channles at 24 bit resolution.
Always use that for capture. hw:0,3 is
multichannel playback of 16
channels at 16bit. It does not work reliably a need to
be reworked (24 bit,
proper sync at 44kHz, etc..).
So most reliable setup for e-mu cards is hw:0,2 for capture and hw:0,0
playback (you can use them simultaneously).
Now about the routing. There are a lot of ports called "DSP <number>" it
he mixer. At first look it's rather confusing.
Actually, there are two groups od "DSP" ports. One group is for input
(DSP 0 to DSP 15, hexadecimal numbering! ) and it's the first bunch
of "DSP" from left in alsamixer (bottom
line). The other group is for
playback (DSP 0 to DSP 31, decimal numbering,
First 8 inputs (DSP 0 - DSP 7) are used for capture (you will see and
hear them
in the jack). Other inputs are mapped directly
onto their output brothers with same number
(don't forget, that inputs
are hexadecimal, so DSP A is mapped to DSP 10, DSP
12 to DSP 18, etc..).
Otput works same, so if you use hw:0,0 (2 channels) for playback, then
you will
hear them on outputs DSP 0 and DSP 1.
this isn't a card for a beginner, but with coaxing it does work.
bradley newton haug
I had bought this card back when I thought I was going to stick with
Windows and get the EmulatorX2 sampler to go with it. Now that that
can't happen due to various reasons, I might have to trade this card up
for something else. I hear the various M-Audio options all work quite
well in Linux.
-- Darren