I had to have the wine-development files installed as well, and the
vstsdk2.3-directory had to be in /libs/fst, other than that it worked.
However, I have an error message when I start ardourvst, which is:
Gtk-Message: /usr/local/etc/ardour2/ardour2_ui.rc:83: failed to retrieve property
`GtkWidget::cursor-color' of type `GdkColor' from rc file value "((GString*)
0x77d1df40)" of type `GString'
But apart from that, everything seems to work just fine. :)
Tack så mycket!
----Original Message-----
From: Peder Hedlund peder(a)musikhuset.org
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 17:42:43 +0200
To: A list for linux audio users linux-audio-user(a)music.columbia.edu
Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] VST support in Ardour2 beta.
How do I compile VST-support into Ardour2 beta?
VST=yes, but after that?
Where should i put the VST SDK 2.3 directory?
Make sure you have wine installed. (I tried with the latest).
You have to copy the vstsdk2.3/source/common/*.h to /usr/include/vst
(I think this is a bug. You shouldn't have to be root to install ardour)
Put the vstsdk2.3 directory in the lib dir of the ardour source tree, IIRC.
(scons will complain and tell you where it expects it if that's the wrong
Run 'scons VST=yes' (and other options if needed) and 'scons install'
assuming the compile succeeds.
Put some VST-dll's ,
like these :
in a "vst" directory in your home dir and make a symbolic link to that
from /usr/local/lib (I think there's a varaiable you can use to point to
your directory as well)
Start ardour, display the mixer, right-click on the effect box,
select "New plugin" and you should see a VST tab as well as the
- Peder