I think that was Freud himself.
Maybe someone can write a biographical musical of Freud's life, and the conductor can
use a cigarOn Mar 31, 2017 16:32, Bob van der Poel <bob(a)mellowood.ca> wrote:
> I think it was Groucho Marx that said "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".
> On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 7:24 PM, John Murphy <rosegardener(a)freeode.co.uk>
>> On 1 Apr 2017 00:09:17 +0100 Will Godfrey <willgodfrey(a)musically.me.uk>
>> > There has been much argument as to whether a graphical interface is best
>> > independent windows, or with a single window (with or without tabs). Here
>> > the Yoshimi workshop, the only type of arguments we like are the startup
>> > ones! Therefore we've been working on a quite novel idea.
>> >
>> > This came about when one of our team (who still uses a CRT monitor) found
>> > a cheap ionizer dramatically reduced the static discharges he kept getting.
>> > quickly realised that ionization could be used to control both static
>> > attraction and repulsion. Thinking there must be an enhanced IT equivalent
>> > hacked up some software ionization code. [...]
>> You're having us on aren't you Will? Surely everyone knows IoTs don't
>> trap ions (the idea lol). The guns were aimed away from the phosphor and the
>> magnets pulled the electrons toward user, if you were lucky. Easy ten bob job
>> if you were. Focus magnets otoh... Thanks for the memories :)
>> --
>> John. (Goes back to coding my Pointer Oriented Operating System.)
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> --
> **** Listen to my FREE CD at
http://www.mellowood.ca/music/cedars ****
> Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
> EMAIL: bob(a)mellowood.ca
> WWW: