On Sun, 28 Aug 2016, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
If you don't know what zita-mu1 is, see here:
The only use case for this is viewing youtube videos with either
Chromium or Firefox, which will use ALSA's default device.
This works ok but after some time I get 'crackles'. It sounds
like a buffer wraparound. Repositioning or stopping/restarting
the video usually solves the problem, but it will come back
after some time.
I personally use pulse as a front end for jack (unloading all pulse's alsa
and alsa detection modules) because my wife uses skype. But the MU1 still
looks useful. No crackles here, but not sure what the difference is.
I see no reason why things shouldn't 'just
work'. And I've been
wondering: is this a long-standing problem with ALSA's Jack
plugin, or are the browsers doing something wrong ? In either
case, is there a solution (not involving PA or loop devices) ?
How about firefox with jack? I know the work is done and the jack works
and can be had in self built versions now. It should show up in a release
Len Ovens