Example: I'm comfortable using Cairo, and if
somebody hands me a
Gtk::DrawingArea, I'll throw a Synth UI together without too much pain. With
that in mind, I've never written a LV2 plugin, and for me to write a synth
engine would be a case of "challenge" > "dev". To get the job done
right in
as little time, I'd need to work together with somebody who knows LV2 dsp
stuff well, but not much Cairo.
I'm interested in opinions from community to see if it is plausible /
possible / other to collaborate (more than we already are)?
Cheers, -Harry
Well, speaking of which, I'm working on porting the AlsaModularMix
internal modules to LV2 plugins.
Progress is very slow (didn't realise how rusty my C/C++ is) and
although after studying a lot the AMS code and knowing what the
different modules do I have a fair understanding of the code, I
wouldn't call myself an expert on LV2 DSP stuff...
But I would defo need some help for the GUI bits!
PS: I concidered moving to a new topic.. but then
thought nah :)
Myeah....Think it digressed anyway!