On 4/13/14, Ivan K wrote:
I was very excited to find a video of the complete
Tristan and Isolde on YouTube recently, complete with
English subtitles.
I used the youtube-dl utility to grab the video, but
when I began playing the copy on my hard-drive with
totem, to my horror, the English subtitles were
not there! To repeat, the subtitles are on
youtube.com but not in the .webm file that I
downloaded with youtube-dl.
Can someone coach me how to download a version
with the English subtitles?
Take a look at 'youtube-dl --help' or 'man youtube-dl', specifically
at the 'Subtitle Options' section.
$ youtube-dl --list-subs <URL>
$ youtube-dl --write-sub --sub-lang en <URL>
The latter command will produce two files, the video and an .srt file
containing the English subtitles.