Yassen Roussev hat gesagt: // Yassen Roussev wrote:
the toots have moved to
but if that is hosted on the same server as boosthardware you might be
out of luck.
I was, and I am still. Now I get at least a "Webpage under
construction" message instead of the timeout. But a kind soul already
sent me the relevant docs.
Also I would recommend you subscribing to at least the
Ah, there is an ardour-users list now? I'll subscribe that, too.
I am sure a lot of people would be interested in
hearing a bit more
about this! How are the snapshots generated?
You can take a look at it on
http://cvs.agnula.org. It fetches the
ardour source by cvs "fakeroot debian/rules snapshot", does some magic
and then you can compile ardour just like any other Debian package
with dpkg-buildpackage or "fakeroot debian/rules binary".
in my /root/.bashrc:
export ARDOURRC=/root/ardour.rc
in my /root/ardour.rc
<Option name="pixmap-path"
This seems to be another syntac then the ardour.rc agnula installs. I
have this:
<Config minimum-disk-io-bytes="262144"
track-buffer-seconds="5.000000" [...]
pixmap-path="/usr/share/pixmaps/ardour" session-path="~/ardour"
[...] />
in $ARDOURRC. Maybe mine's a config file for an older version?
/usr/bin/ardour is a acript, that exports ARDOURRC before starting
the ardour binary, so then an entry in ~/.bashXX wouldn't be needed.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__