I've seen video demoes of the Freewheeling sequencer. I know there's
a more trendy word than 'sequencer' when describing those softwares
that let's you input loops thru MIDI or otherwise, but you see what I'm
On a single Linux box, is it possible to run two instances of such a
'sequencer' and have two people (using two-headed screen setup) making
that kind of sequences in synch ?
I mean, in a transparent manner that does not require code change.
If not, is it possible to transparently synchronize two PCs running
that kind of 'sequencer' so that real-time performance from two players
(or more !) can be achieved ?
Independent of the outcome above, is it possible to actually record a
live perfomance done on such a 'sequencer' as Freewheeling to an audio
track ?
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