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Frank Barknecht schrieb:
Michael Iber hat gesagt: // Michael Iber wrote:
unfortunately, for legal reasons it is not
possible to make the
audio-data public. I discussed this with the broadcast station before,
and their lawyers said definitely: no.
The background is GEMA.
The policy of the GEMA is to claim some more than what is lawful and to
wait if somebody complains. So *if* you complain, GEMA becomes quite
fast quite liberal...
Fact is, that in germ authorrights are bound to the person (in contrast
to anglosaxon law, that allows to give away every right to a company for
instance) So it is indeed the responsabiltiy and decision of every
single author/composer/player if a recording is streamed or not. GEMA
claims to organize such rightful use of *every* piece of music in
Germany BUT: if you as the author state, that neither you nor your work
is affiliated in any way with GEMA or any of GEMAs international
partners - then it is up to *you* what goes on with the recording,
Such statement must be made in a formal way (piece of paper, signed),
then the odds are good, that GEMA will revoke its claim on your music...
At the other hand i agree with Frank: GEMA is the big mighty Dinosaur of
Copyright in Germ, that nobody wants to be in trouble with. To scare awy
that beast is risky and if not each and every involved artist cooperates
properly, it brings tons of trouble..
Still it can be done
Hartmut Z Noack
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