Hey all,
Since the subject of temperaments and tunings came up I just wanted to
mention that I'm such a passionate devotee of non-12-equal tunings and
microtonality, that I started an organization called UnTwelve (
www.untwelve.org), whose mission is to program and educate people on music
in various different tunings and temperaments.
You'll also be interested to know that I hacked on Aeolus 6 years or so ago
and added a custom Just Intonation scale using only the 3rd and 7th
harmonics. The results can be heard at:
to explore some of my other stuff, check out the general portal to my music
On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 7:07 PM, <fons(a)kokkinizita.net> wrote:
Hi Julien,
Is it easy to change the temperament setting by
hand? And does
Werckmeister III still sound OK with other instruments tuned the
modern (equally or is ti well tempered) way?
It's easy to change. Edit the file stops-***/Aeolus/definition.
Near the top you'll find a line
/tuning 440.0 1
The second number is an index into the list in my previous
post, starting at zero. You'll find it as well in scales.cc.
Werckmeister III will probably work well in most cases.
To test, play something in A flat. The main problem with
Meantone is the Ab-C-Eb chord (just try it !).
If you want to switch easily, you could for example create
a directory stops-***/Aeolus-ET, copy the definition file
there and set it to Equal Temperament. Then use the -I
command line option to select this one.
O tu, che porte, correndo si ?
E guerra e morte !
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Aaron Krister Johnson