On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Carlos Sanchiavedraz
<csanchezgs(a)gmail.com> wrote:
2009/10/12 David Adler <david.jo.adler(a)gmail.com>
For theremin sensors have a look at:
The sensors Andrey Smirnov uses in his workshops can either
be connected via a microcontroller like Arduino, or their analog
frequency output can be fed into a soundcard and converted to
control data by pd.
have fun,
I love Theremins!
It's just that, after having a look at the projects, it seems to be very
difficult to implement any of them, most of all if it includes sensors,
although there are some Pd libraries (for Mac most of them).
I'm going to watch some videos.
Thanks David.
In any case, whether using pd+soundcard or a microcontroller, you
need a sensor. During his workshops Andrey Asimov sells them, it
doesn't seem as if he sells them through the website though. Maybe
just contact him via email, he is a very nice guy.
The Pd libraries are, just as Pd, platform independent. The MAX/MSP
stuff is Mac only.
Theremin sensors are quite sensitive to distubance (e.g. ground loops)
so it can be a little fiddly to set everything up. I recomment one of
the workshops (if there is one in the area...), though given some
interest and patience it should be feasible without.