Dave Philips wrote:
I think you're on the right track with regards to
layering your
instruments. However, you should take more time balancing the separate
tracks. Right now the instruments aren't blending so well. The guitar is
a little too far up front, and your other instruments need more
attention to their relationship with the guitar part.
I noticed that when I tested it out on my main stereo system, but I'm
a little unsure of what to do to make leads "sit" in the mix... any
suggestions? I keep getting hung up between "I want my lead to be
heard" and "I want the overall mix to blend really well", and I can
never seem to satisfy both.
you're excited by the possibilities opened up by
this great software we
have, but perhaps you should take more time with the details of your
mix. Edits and retakes are parts of the creative process, you'll find
and do new things as you go over your work with the proverbial
fine-tooth comb.
Good advice! I will definitely be spending more time on my mixes from
here on. :-) Thanks a lot for the feedback, Dave.