Hey hey,
I have just uploaded the drumkit, which I have sampled/created for the song
It is mostly self sampled, with a few exception: one kickdrum, - heavily
edited - taken from AVL drumkit, the "klick" taken from Klick, the advanced
JACK metronome, and the clap being recorded by a very good friend of his
youngest daughter Hanna.
The the heart and in/out I used my studio mic like a contact mic and applied
my larynx directly to it, with satisfactory results.
The kic and beep were edited/processed/part created in Csound. All other
sounds were recorded straight into Nama and processed there through LADSPA and
LV2 plugins.
Only the bell is missing, since it is a commercial sample, part of the Post
Bells library from PMI/Sampletekk.
Best wishes and keep banging your drums,
* Website:
http://juliencoder.de - for summer is a state of sound
* SoundCloud:
* Youtube:
* GitHub:
* Twitter:
Skip on the drinks Head to the floor
Makin' my way Past the show
My body's taken over And I want some more <3
(Britney Spears)