On 21/09/11 02:14, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Regarding to the price, pardon, but are you
serious?> 300 US$!?
For my PC it's no problem to go over 10m for USB 2.
For what usage are you thinking about "up to 100 m (328 ft.)"?
lots of venues have ethernet everywhere, lots of venues have quite long runs of
this, you probably would not want to go into a venue you don't know and try
something using the built in cabling - but if you are looking after the venue,
and it is a flexible space, used in different configurations from day to day,
then ways to connect things over ethernet over longish distances are very
useful. And audio is not just for FOH work - there are plenty of times when you
need good, reliable connections around the place. 50m or 60m is not as uncommon
as you might think.
C'mon ;). Nice question, anyway, I suspect that this never ever will
work for any kind of live performance. Your flat is that large? Helge
Schneider cut his ermine cape when the Ferrari catch it, while he was in
a hurry, running through his flat.
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