Folderol a écrit :
I've finally got around to thinking about
upgrading my website,
so thought it would be a good idea to have an embedded player as well as
the download options. Well it seems that the only more-or-less universal
players are all flash players.
Not wonderful but I guess I can live with it. There were three that
looked quite reasonable and easy to configure, and the all seem to work
well enough, baring one problem.
None of them has a transparent background - although the all claim to
have the option :(
I've tried all the various suggestions on different sites, but
steadfastly get a white background. I'm only able to try this out with
firefox at them moment, so I don't know if that's behaving strangely.
Anyone else come across this problem and found a way round it, or,
better still, anyone know of another plugin that will work on the
majority of browsers?
I wrote a full-javascript audio player for my own use. You can view it here:
Actual basic features are:
* Detail of the track.
* Choice between Lo and Hi quality.
* Previous/Next/Play/Stop buttons.
* Download link.
* Lyrics link for songs.
* Tracks can be hosted locally or remotely (all actual tracks are
hosted on
http://www.dogmazic.net, which can be on heavy load...).
Rudimentary, but it can be enhanced and extended if needed. If you are
interested, do not hesitate to join me off-list.