On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 18:21:23 -0500
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki <rzewnickie(a)rfa.org> wrote:
On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 10:07:34AM +0000, Tobiah
>If you wonder why
>the 1010lt is so much cheaper per channel: it has the DA/AD's on
>board while the 44, 66 and 1010 [without lt] have them in a
>breakout box which should help keeping noise out..
I'm pretty sure the da/ad on my 66 lives on the pci card.
You're right. And the optional Omni I/O preamp/breakout box is an
analog-only device, like a miniature mixer.
It works great here in my system, thanks to the ALSA developpers and
the fine attitude of the manufacturer.
But, I only make noise, so I can't say anything
about how much that
detail affects the quality of my work.
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki | Systems Engineer I
Technical Operations Division | Radio Free Asia
Have a nice day.