I wanted to pass this back to linux-audio-user for anyone who is having an
issue with an Xlib error: 'Xlib async reply' when FreeWheeling starts up.
Several people have reported this. Here's a fix that seems to work:
JP, the fix you suggested:
1) In src/fweelin_core.cc, find:
Directly after, add these lines:
if (!XInitThreads()) {
printf("MAIN: ERROR: FreeWheeling requires threaded Xlib support\n");
return 0;
And near the top of src/fweelin_core.cc, find:
#include <sys/mman.h>
Directly after, add:
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
seems to have worked. Haven't tried the other one, my Xlib problem is
gone. It in fact is a very pleasant app and I think it will become a
part of my arsenal. I am looking forward to the stereo capabilities
This fix will appear in the next prerelease.
Once again, thanks for all your tremendous feedback- already I am glad I went
the open-source route.
JP Mercury