On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 4:30 AM, Alf Haakon Lund <alf(a)mellomrommet.no> wrote:
When creating a track with name 'elephant' and
then recording onto it,
regions are created with variations of the name 'elephant' (1.1, 2.1, etc).
If there are several takes until I'm satisfied, several regions are
created, and easily accessible from the regions list (View -> show editor
Then I discover that I actually recorded 'giraffe'. I change names of
tracks and regions to avoid confusion. Unfortunately the regions list does
not update names accordingly - there regions are still filed under
rename tracks BEFORE recording. region names are based on the name of the
track they were captured for at the time they were captured. there is no
long term association (allowing you to copy/move regions into other tracks
without them being renamed).
Is there a way to update names in the region list?
When copying and moving regions around, multiple and more or less
identical regions appear in the regions list. Can identical regions somehow
be ignored?
Automatically created regions (e.g. the left-overs after cropping or
separation) can be hidden. Other than that, no.
Is it possible to use the regions list to navigate to that region in the
Selecting a region in the region list will select it in the session but
will not navigate to it.
And lastly, does anybody have tips for good workflows regarding regions
and the regions list?
The region list is pretty useless.
In general, the ardour-users mailing is a better place to ask such