Am Dienstag, 4. März 2008 schrieb Arda Eden:
I order to use my audio applications (related to
latency) more efficiently,
I gave some priorities to the applications which are in the "audio" group by
adding the lines below, to the file "/etc/security/limits.conf"
@audio - rtprio 95
@audio - memlock 512000
@audio - nice -19
By doing this, to which application did I give the priority ?
To a *user* belonging to this group. Just add your user to group audio and
re-login to your desktop.
Alsa, Jack ... ?
How is that defined in GNU/Linux ?
I mean,
Did I give this priority to all applications using the sound device or to
the applications that are included in the "audio" group ?
Who, what or which are in the "audio" group ?