Am 04.06.20 um 18:05 schrieb Jeanette C.:
It gives the impression of having quite a few sounds,
when I
suspect it's not that many. Thanks for sharing, I certainly enjoyed. :)
I like to add bells and twinkles here and there, so there are a few:
- Main Lead and Bass ("Wire Pad")
- Sub Bass ("Knarziger")
- FM E-Piano ("E-Piano 1")
- Synth Strings ("StrSynPad")
- Fluty Ping and "Piuhh" Sound ("Zingeroids")
- "Music Box" (3rd Verse and Outro)
- Pizzicato (Bridge, "PizzaToGo")
- Choir Pad (Bridge, "AngelChoir")
- Pulsating Pad (3rd Verse, "Glitzeroni")
I consciously didn't use any percussion or drum sounds to keep the
floating feeling of the piece.