Probably I should report this in a separate
thread. I do not intendto
do any thread hijacking here but it does seem related.
Yesterday I finally managed to build
2.6.14-rc2-rt7 for my AMD64system.
Out of the box it's working very, very well.
I've doneabsolutely no
configuration of the system. I've not set anythingspecial. Just booted it,
started Jack at 128/2 as a user usingrealtime-lsm, and have been streaming
ogg files for 4 hours from oneof my 1394a audio drives. In that time I've
been browsing the web,doing email and updating the system. I've built a new
kernel, copied abunch of files from drive to drive and run a couple of
existing Ardoursessions. While all of that was going on I fired up xine and
played aDVD movie in the background on my EIDE DVD drive just to create
somemore system usage.
I've not had a single operational xrun in
nearly 4 hours. The onlyones
I've had come when starting and stopping apps.
Everything's working great for me, but
this is less than 24 hoursso far
so take it with a grain of salt.
This is Gentoo, AMD64 3000+, 512MB, 250GB SATA
drive, 4 1394
harddrives( three 1394a and one 1394b) , PCI-Express 16X ATI.
Note: Executables seem larger on this AMD64
system. I'll needanother
512MB one day soon as I do seee a small amount of
swapping onthis system.
(<30KB) I never saw that when running 32-bit.
welcome to the 64 bit world.... I am planning on adding at least another gig
of ram to my laptop shortly, 'cause linuxsampler is eating me alive. I've
already done stuff like get rid of gnome (now running evilwm), and turn off
all non-essential services... can't run ardour+rosegarden+linuxsampler
w/bosendorfer all at the same time without putting quite a bit on swap, and
I get to about 30 voices on LS before it starts to break up.
I think if you put in another GB LS will just eat that up also. I've
tried to get the developers to put some limits on it but I haven't
been very successful. (Full disclosure - I'm till using a pretty old
version myself. Maybe it's better now...)
I started using the cfq scheduler a bit last week. It + the ionice utility
*seemed* to improve LS's performance but that may be a placebo effect.
thx for testing the latest series of rt kernels. I had got to a stable
kernel a month or two back and didn't want to upgrade. :)
Don't blame you! This wasn't easy, but hey, I did it!
Mark from down the hill...