On Friday 07 May 2004 04.51, Michal Seta wrote:
rossen <rossen(a)protein.osaka-u.ac.jp> writes:
the new muse-0.7(still in a pre-release stage)
won't even start if you don't have jack running:)
I haven't used muse for a while but I recall seeing (and using) a
command-line switch to disable audio... was it '-a'?
Things have perhaps changed... or I'm just daydreaming...
There was an -a switch, it is however not there anymore. The new version of
MusE does rely solely on JACK. This was a technical decision to remove
The focus for the coming release is stability (dispite the fact that an insane
amount of new functionality has been added).
Though, I know there are still issues with some hardware and JACK (mainly USB
I think), I have high hopes that all this can be fixed.
There is actually a dummy backend for JACK which IMO would render this
discussion moot. I am yet to try this though, anyone knows if JACK in this
configuration has constant timing?