Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
[..] It seems
like 'qjackctl' studiously ignores the
-geomtry switch. [...]
Is there any way to work around this stuff? Are the window coordinates
hardcoded in 'qjackctl'?
No and no. Qjackctl just overrides any X hints that maybe given from the
command line. Qjackctl remembers and restores it's last visible screen
position and extents.
Thanks for letting me know what behaviour to expect! so, Hmmmm...
If this is what Qjackctl is *s'posed* to do, then I'm pretty sure
I've found a bug.
After some testing to check it out...
It seems like a bit of a special case specific bug. If I position the
main 'qjackctl' window with *either* the 'X' *or* the 'Y'
in the '0' position and then quit, then the next time I start 'Qjackctl'
*both* 'X' *and* 'Y' are in the '0' position.
I like my 'Qjackctl' in the upper right hand corner. This bug causes
it to appear on the next startup in the 0:0 position in the upper left
hand corner. Any other position on the screen seems to work according
to the expected behaviour you've outlined above.
I pulled down the source and rummaged around, but I don't know UI
coding well enough to know really what to look for.
Still, I hope this information gives you an idea where to look for the
buug. :-)
I have a workaround for now. I just position the main 'Qjackctl'
window in the upper right hand corner, but just a pixel or two short
of the top. That seems to do it for me.
This feature only applies to qjackctl main and child
It does not apply to any application it launches from the startup
Right. 'QAMix' comes in where I want it. 'Timemachine' seems to have
its own rules. I haven't tried modifying my other app commands yet.