On 01/19/12 01:13, Dave Phillips wrote:
I've just received a notice from the Linux Journal that they will no
longer be running my monthly articles. I know that some people on this
list have enjoyed reading them, but alas, all things must end. I've been
invited to contribute full-length articles to the digital edition, which
I will do, but those articles will be available only to subscribers.
I have given some thought to collecting all my LJ articles to date (12+
years worth) and posting updated versions at
linux-sound.org. However,
the work is non-trivial - it takes considerable time to research and
write those articles - and I have bills to pay. Other work for hire will
necessarily take precedence, meaning I'll probably teach more and
perform more often.
So, I hope you've enjoyed my work for LJ. Thanks for the reads, I've
enjoyed the writing.
Hello Dave,
That's a bummer. I always loved reading your articles Mr Linux Audio!
Those articles were and are inspiring, very informative, well-written
and complete. Excellent reading material for either newbies or advanced
LAUdios. I'll miss them.
So thanks Dave, see you at LAC2013 hopefully, can't make it this year.