Atte André Jensen wrote:
On 2010-07-07 14:46, Dave Phillips wrote:
Created with AVSynthesis
( Converted
to YouTube video with WinFF.
Dark stuff, best heard/seen with low or no ambient light.
Some very, very good textures you got going there. Are they all
synthesized or are there samples involved?
All synthesized with the analog synth module in AVS. Three instances are
analog + Moog filter
analog + waveguide filter
analog + waveguide filter + Moog filter
Everything treated to a very fine global reverb.
Somehow I feel the music could be improved, though. After about
1:30-1:45 I found myself wishing for some change in
pace/texture/orchestration/dynamics/anything. What about adding more
contrast to a middle part (kind of what you're doing on the video
side). The first that comes to my mind is some 12-tone-ish pizzicato
kind-of vibe, although that would probably not fit your musical idea...
It's definitely experimental. I used the AVS Cmask tools to create
tendency masks, so the outcome varies from performance to performance.
I also regard this sort of thing as available for anyone else to hack
away at, i.e. anyone is welcome to make use of it as they like. Feel
free to fit it with your musical ideas too. :)
Thanks for sharing, I've been meaning to dig into AVSynthesis, and
this makes me even more curious!
Thanks for listening/watching, Atte. AVS is rather difficult to get
going, it has a cryptic GUI, and it takes some time to master. But I
like it a lot, it's my favorite tool for composing with Csound, and I
think its visuals can be very cool.