On Aug 10, 2011 9:11 AM, "sonofzev(a)iinet.net.au" <sonofzev(a)iinet.net.au>
On Wed Aug 10 8:43 , Arve Barsnes sent:
On 9 August 2011 21:54, Atte André Jensen
atte(a)email.dk> wrote:
On 08/09/2011 09:03 PM, david wrote:
My brief experience with Kernel 3.0 came with the
discovery that it
doesn't support the NV video driver,
That doesn't sound good...
Is that with a rt kernel or vanilla? Remember, you need to patch the
nvidia drivers to function with the later rt kernels.
I had this pain with the rt kernel.. (only).. can someone point out a link
to the
patch for the nvidia-drivers...
I asked about that on the rt list, but some symbols are exported GPL by the
rt-patch which disallows their use by the nvidia binary. Patching that would
probably violate the GPL.