Josh Lawrence wrote:
quick question:
if you are using jack with a vanilla kernel, should you still keep the
realtime option enabled in jack, or run jack without the -R? my
reasoning tells me that no realtime patch = no realtime in jack, but I
just wanted to check myself with you all...
Hi Josh,
Scheduling JACK to run with realtime priority (using the -R option) is
separate to having a kernel that runs with hard realtime pre-emption
enabled. Ideally, you want both, but on a vanilla kernel, you still want
the -R option -- indeed, that's how I run my systems.
One way to think of it is that running with realtime priority (with the
-R option) instructs the kernel to run JACK with the best scheduling it
can possibly manage. If you also have realtime pre-emption in your
kernel, though, then the kernel's best effort will be... well, better :)