[cc: to douglas repetto, who admins the list servers]
hi kai, hi douglas!
Kai Vehmanen wrote:
this is not an urgent issue, but I'd like to warn in advance that the
laa/lad/lau list archiving at
www.eca.cx/la[adu] will stop some time next
year. I'm not sure of the exact date, but sooner or later anyway. Note
that I'm not going to take the existing archives offline, so all links
pointing to mails at eca.cx will still work.
Fortunately we nowadays have many other archives of
the lists. We just now
need to pick a new official archive and update the links at:
I propose that we use the archives at
... and so on.
that won't really cut it, since they are not (yet) searchable, and
they lack the really old messages that went through
ginette.umontreal.ca way back when....
douglas, do you think we could set up a htdig engine on
roar.music.columbia.edu (all lists would benefit from that)?
i hope i don't overstretch columbia.edu's hospitality at some point....
if that's not possible, let me know and we'll find something else.
same problem regarding the old messages.
kai, i will keep looking for an alternative location, and i may need
to mirror the eca.cx archives at some time....
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