Excerpts from Ken Smith's message of 2010-07-06 20:21:24 +0200:
Hi All,
I'm trying to get ffmpeg to encode to mp3 format on a Centos 5.5 system.
I have an FC6 system with lame 3.97 and ffmpeg 0.4.9 and a FC8 system
with lame 3.98 and ffmpeg 0.4.9 both installed from RPM's found at ATrpms.
On both FC6 and FC8 systems I can transcode a mpg file (captured by
MythTV) to mp3 like this
/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i /mnt/store/20560_20100621190000.mpg -ar 48000
-acodec mp3 -ab 128k -f mp3 test.mp3
But with ffmpeg 0.4.9/0.5.2 and lame 3.97/3.98 from either ATrpms or
RPMForge on Centos 5.5 I either get an error message about ffmpeg not
recognising the mp3 codec or a floating point exception.
I must be missing something obvious, but what.
Would building either package from source be a better route?
Thanks in advance
I'm not familiar with ffmpegs options and don't understand the line,
but one thing you could try is to decode the mpg file to wav, then call
lame explicitly. Maybe it's also possible to pipe between the two
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