On Sun, 25 Sep 2016 20:28:49 +0200
Yann Collette <ycollette.nospam(a)free.fr> wrote:
Thanks !
What kind of tools do you used ?
System is Linux Mint 17 64 bits.
It was first sketched in Bitwig. Then exported to be further
arranged, along with more recordings, in Ardour (Harrison Mixbus
32C). Robin Gareus' x42 EQ was used on all tracks as a primary
top-of-the strip for general highpass and lowpass filtering. Robin's
VU meter and 1/3 octave spectrum analyzer also helped in seeing what's
going on in the tracks in trying to keep some separation. Reverb is
still the free Protoverb from u-he. The Calf exciter was used on the
drone soundscape. u-he Presswerk compressor was used on some 'stems',
while Harrison's XT-TG was used to hone the drums a bit. The mix was
setup in 3-tier mode, allowing for adjustments at three levels: track
level, 'stem' level and master bus. Mixbus mixbusses were used for
grouping tracks loosely by category, hence called 'stems' to use a
trendy keyword. A Faderport was used with Mixbus to make the mxing
process flow a bit more.
On the instruments front, one lead is from Hive: Melodic Enchantement
and the other, reed like, from Zebra2: Arksun. The airy sound textures
by Zebra2 (VSP Looking Glass), with one contribution by Discovery Pro
(CHE Spectrum). The sub bass sound is also from VSP Looking Glass,
for Zebra2. The piano in the 'chorus' (somewhere in there) is the
Pianoteq K2 Dreamy. The acoustic guitar is as usual the Shiraki.
Reamping of the guitar was done through Renoise's cabinet simulator.
MIDI drum loop and samples are from the Loop Loft and soundscape
texture from Black Octupus (Evolving Textures). The MIDI loop was put
into Bitwig's drum machine and samples were manually chosen and added.
For the remix, a loop was put into Redux (in Bitwig) and again samples
were manually chosen. The sabar loop in the remix is from Wave
Alchemy (African Rhythms). The remix was 'played' using a Launchpad
Ah, the voice is Francesca Genco from Soundiron.
I think this covers it all. If you have any comments, questions, of
any kind, please do not hesitate. I am still learning this and there is
so much to learn !
Exported without normalization:
Ei N'Yawei:
Integrated Loudness: -17.3 LUFS
Loudness Range: 9.4 LU
Peak: -2.0 dBFS
True Peak: -2.0 dBTP
Ei N'Yawei Rmx:
Integrated Loudness: -16.4 LUFS
Loudness Range: 8.6 LU
Peak: -1.0 dBFS
True Peak: -0.7 dBTP